Wednesday 28 November 2012

September - November 2012 in memory....

I just wanna share some pictures of mine and my friends during the past 3 months. A lot of activities have done and lets the pictures below be a storyteller.... ^^

Jambatan Sultan Mahmud Marathon 2012 - Women's Open 10km
(personal record: 1 hour 29 minutes)

Picnic at UMT beach - mental therapy

Picnic at UMT beach - mental therapy

8th International Conference on Marine Technology 2012 -
with Amalina and Dalila (Double8)

My new "expensive" specs @_@!

My staple diet - Sidney Sheldon's novels with new cover ^^
Double8 at Masjid Kristal Terengganu

The "merengness" of Double8 at Masjid Kristal Terengganu =P

Double8 at Kuala Terengganu Waterfront

Jom! Kitar Semula dan Habitat Marathon 2012
Women's Open 10km with beloved housemates... =)

Alhamdulillah...we made it with new personal record!
(1 hour 19 minutes)

Double8 with presents for Yati's Wedding

Double8 with Yati and husband
10th UMT Convocation with Dr Yosie (from Indonesia)
with her family =)

Turtle Alley, Chinatown, Kuala Terengganu

Turtle Alley, Chinatown, Kuala Terengganu

At Turtle Alley with Anuar

We at 10th UMT Convocation 2012..congrats Aman!